Date: 9/26/2019
Event start time: 8:00 AM 
Event end time: 10:15 AM
Category: Seminar
Price: Members: $99

Note: This event is for members and prospective members of the new NIRI "Developing Leaders Roundtable." This newly launched NIRI community of corporate/counselor members with three to nine years of IR experience was created to foster networking opportunities. There is no additional cost to join this specialty community.


“Tough Talks: Turn Conflict into Opportunity”

Leaders at all levels are measured by how they handle difficult situations. But no one ever trains us on how to do this, so we “wing it”—usually with less than optimal results. Having—and practicing—a process will help participants not only diffuse tough talks but also use them to create stronger relationships.

There are two kinds of tough talks:
  1. Those where you can’t change an outcome
  2. Those where people can work together to improve a situation
There are three parts to people’s brains:
  1. Survival brain
  2. Emotional brain
  3. Human brain
In a crisis, people lose 2/3rds of their brains: all they have left is their survival brain—where no decisions and plans are possible.

Every crisis may feel different, but everyone goes through the same stages.

Become a Doctor of Persuasion—A GAP MD—to guide you through difficult conversations.


  • Lynne Franklin
Developing Leaders Roundtable Sponsor


About the Speaker

Lynne spent much of her career doing IR and was a NIRI member for decades. Since 1993, she has led her own business communication practice. Leaders and teams work with Lynne to advance their careers by building more rapport, creating more trust, and attracting more business. Lynne is the president of the Illinois Chapter of the National Speakers Association. She speaks internationally on how to stop paying the price of poor communication. Lynne wrote a book called Getting Others to Do What You Want. Lynne has also given a TEDx talk on how to be a mind reader. This has gone viral, with about 2.2 million views.

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