Breaking through the Noise: Latest Trends in Quarterly Reporting

Monday, June 6, 2016 | 11:30AM - 12:30PM | Room: Grand Hall A  |   Marketing Outreach & Stakeholder Communications

 |  Nils Paellmann | Cherryl Valenzuela | Rich Yerganian | Deb Wasser |

Let’s face it - the quarterly reporting process can be pretty dull - and we have all “been there, done that.”  However, in the last couple of years, some rather interesting innovations have happened – new earnings PR disclosure trends (leveraging social media), “infographic style” press releases that provide a snapshot for rapid read and recall data, enhanced technology for pre-recorded earnings calls and video interviews, optimized conference calls with a “Q&A only” approach, and new trends in following up on the earnings call in good times and bad. Quarterly reporting is undergoing significant change and this session will help you think through when - or if - some of these new approaches might work for you and your management team. Walk away with a “playbook” of best practices to manage and refresh your successful quarterly reporting.
  • Learning Objective 1: Learn about the latest innovations and companies that are stepping outside the traditional quarterly reporting box

  • Learning Objective 2: Understand which aspects of the earnings process are most valued by the investment community

  • Learning Objective 3: Discover how digital communications can play an important role in the quarterly reporting process