Sell-side Savvy – Gain it Without Playing on the Street

Monday, June 6, 2016 | 11:30AM - 12:30PM | Room: Grand Hall D  |   Professional Development

 |  Sabra Purtill | Ben Barrett | Sarah Bowman | Rodny Nacier, CFA |

Recent trend studies show that increasing numbers of IRs have a Wall Street background, particularly the sell-side. What is it, if anything that gives them an advantage? Is it purely financial modeling skills, or a more subtle skill-set such as service attitude, communication and sales skills, and relationship building tactics? Can you gain skills if you have no Wall Street experience? Come find out and add to your IR skills tool-box.
  • Learning Objective 1: What is it that differentiates the sell-side from other pre-IR career tracks?   

  • Learning Objective 2: Do sell-siders have a unique set of skills that they bring to the IR game?

  • Learning Objective 3: Learn those skills and how you can use them to improve your IR communication