WORKSHOP: The New IRC Credential – What Is It, and Why Get It

Wednesday, June 8, 2016 | 9:15AM - 10:15AM | Room: Grand Hall A  |   Professional Development

 |  Bob Burton | Maureen Wolff | Matt Brusch, CAE |

You may have heard already about the new NIRI Investor Relations Charter (IRC™), but not know exactly what is it about, and why you should participate. Why did NIRI create this program, and how does it benefit not just IR professionals, but also the IR profession? Participate in this primarily round table-structured session to learn more about the certification exam and have your questions answered by the IRC volunteer leadership. You can also learn first-hand from members of the inaugural class of IRC charter holders on how they prepared for the certification exam, the challenges they faced, and what the charter distinction means to them.
  • Learning Objective 1: Understand what the Investor Relations Charter (IRC™) credential is and why NIRI developed it

  • Learning Objective 2: Learn about the benefits of earning the IRC certification

  • Learning Objective 3: Talk with members of the inaugural IRC class and several of the subject matter experts who created the program about how to prepare for the exam