Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of AlphaSense Inc.

Booth 200
AlphaSense is an award-winning search engine designed for investor relations professionals. AlphaSense helps you search across a universe of documents, including high-value content sets that traditional web search engines can’t reach. Use AlphaSense to be the first to find any data points or key metrics and to easily track what was said in past disclosures. AlphaSense will provide you with critical insights on any subject about your company, as well as 35,000 global companies.
The unique interface lets you search across all content with ONE search and displays list results, snippets and in-context views all on ONE screen. AlphaSense automatically expands your searches with common synonyms, sends alerts on new documents matching your saved search criteria and provides the same search features via desktop browser or an iPad app.
AlphaSense is already in use by analysts and investment firms and is now used by investor relations teams to “level the playing field” with analysts and quickly find crucial data points buried in millions of disclosures, transcripts, presentations, press releases, broker reports, even your own uploaded content.
With AlphaSense, you will be able to identify, digest and act on information faster and with greater confidence. A 5-minute demo at our booth will show you how to immediately save hours, particularly during earnings season. A free, extended trial is available to conference attendees.

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