Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of Equilar Inc.

Booth 614
Equilar is the #1 provider of executive data, collecting information on more than 150,000 executives and board members. Our cloud-based platforms organize executive data into easily digestible formats, delivering compensation benchmarking, corporate governance and shareholder engagement tools with accuracy and integrity. These platforms bring together companies, shareholders and third-party service providers to inform better business decisions and drive exceptional results. Equilar is the trusted data provider for 70% of the Fortune 500, and is cited regularly by The New York Times, Bloomberg, Forbes, Associated Press, CNN Money, CNBC, The Wall Street Journal and other leading media outlets.
Equilar Insight is the gold standard for trusted benchmarking data on executive pay and pay for performance alignment, including powerful tools to help companies prepare for critical shareholder meetings. Equilar BoardEdge allows companies and investors alike to quickly compare director attributes such as age, tenure, gender, share ownership, election history and industry experience. This summer, Equilar will introduce its Shareholder Engagement Report, which will leverage real-time data to help investors get the most out of engagement meetings through better preparation.  By using these tools, stakeholders can align their goals and determine the highest performing boards and shareholder outcomes.

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