Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of Fordham University

Booth 618
Fordham University’s Gabelli School of Business offers a spectrum of undergraduate and graduate business degrees to about 3,400 students across two campuses in New York City and one in London. Unique for its grounding in Jesuit values, the Gabelli School cultivates business leaders who will work hard not merely for profit, but for the greater good of society. The graduate division comprises three MBA programs and 14 specialized Master of Science programs, all part of the midtown Manhattan campus near Lincoln Center. A new doctoral program is slated for launch in 2016. The Gabelli School faculty is a mix of world-renowned academic researchers, who offer students a firm grounding in theory, and current and former executives drawn from the New York City business community, who offer the practitioner perspective. All graduate students have access to full-service academic advising, career support and job-placement assistance, and a network of 35,000 Fordham business alumni.

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