Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Launched in 1988, IR Magazine is the only resource that focuses on the interactions between companies and their investors.
IR Magazine, available both in digital and hard copy form, helps investor relations professionals globally achieve more in their IR programs, benchmark their efforts and connect to their peers in the IR community. In addition to reporting the latest developments, writing in-depth features, producing research reports; and broadcasting podcasts; IR Magazine also hosts events around the world.
Our region-specific awards have been the definitive hallmark of IR excellence and best practice for over 20 years now, while our think tanks offer a unique opportunity for high-level executives to share ideas with their peers and with our expert panels. IR Magazine also hosts conferences and webinars as part of our commitment to providing ongoing education to the IR community. To learn more, please connect with us on Twitter: @IRMagazine and our LinkedIn group: IR Magazine.

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