Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of Rivel Research Group, Inc.

Booth 411
Perception Studies:
Rivel Research Group is a marketing research firm devoted to gathering, analyzing and interpreting investment community feedback. We specialize in delivering actionable insight based on in-depth measurements of the global investment community and provide the context within which IR professionals, management teams and board directors can make informed strategic decisions. Rivel’s studies and highly experienced staff offer actionable insight that a company needs to keep pace with today’s fluid environment for investor communications, identify key opportunities, uncover potential vulnerabilities that could be triggers for activists and help ensure that its investment appeals are better appreciated among its core constituency.
Intelligence Council:
Rivel’s Intelligence Council combines a 360-degree perspective from all constituencies – the global buy-side, sell-side, senior management, corporate governance and investor relations – to derive what is best-in-class IR and governance practices. Rivel has amassed the world’s largest library of relevant IR and governance data which enables IROs and corporate governance executives to put weight and credibility behind the answers provided to management and BoD.

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