Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of S-Ancial Global Solutions Private Ltd.

Booth 114
S-Ancial Global serves the Investor Relations Officers (IROs) and IR consultants, globally, by being their virtual IR assistant.
Through our Enterprise portal, our virtual IR assistants offer 20+ on-demand solutions via Reports (IR audit and peer benchmarking, Message Absorption Analysis, IR report to senior management, market intelligence), content and design for Publications (Corporate presentation, Investor presentation, Earnings presentation, Factsheet, Annual report, Newsletter), Projects (Perception study, Investment story building, Investor targeting, financial modelling). In addition to this, any special, ad hoc, urgent requirements can be delegated to our virtual IR assistant.
Our solutions are offered with a promise of:
•High quality
•Pre-decided turnaround time
•Fixed prices
Our clients see value in delegating work to us and have reaped benefits:
•Get extra time: For market interface or business development
•Score high: Achieve and outperform on your Key Result Areas (KRAs) or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
•No fixed costs: Pay as you use
S-Ancial’s offices are in the USA, Singapore and India. We are a proud NIRI member.

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