Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of S&P Global Market Intelligence

Booth 317
S&P Capital IQ and SNL IR Solutions have come together as S&P Global Market Intelligence to offer IR professionals the solutions they need to optimize their investor relations program. We have combined analytics and research with web services to create a complete suite of IR solutions for essential intelligence and communication.
Monitor analyst sentiment, track shareholders and benchmark against the competition using the S&P Capital IQ desktop. Our key data sets include private and public company financials, analyst research and estimates, transcripts, ownership data and news, and key developments like corporate actions, M&A rumors and executive changes.
Leverage market insight to tell the best version of your story using our IR web services and communication tools. Our custom websites are built upon your brand and optimized for market trends, and include a proactive, 24/7 support team to ensure your web presence is meeting industry standards. Responsive, interactive design engages your investors anywhere, and our ancillary services provide top-of-the-line tools for webcasting & conference calls, ethics & compliance and target & surveillance.

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