Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of TonalityTech GmbH

Booth 215
TonalityTech uses big data to analyze the perception of language by investors:
TonalityTech’s scientifically-proven approach aims to optimize the writing process and quality in capital market communication. We offer the first tool to combine analytics and decision-support to enable evidence-based communication. We analyze a unique database of press releases and corresponding stock market reactions with our proprietary big data algorithms to evaluate the impact of language onto the stock market performance. In doing so, we extract the most relevant words and their positive or negative perception by investors: the tonality. To account for changes in investor perception, we continuously update our Dynamic Tonality Dictionaries with our big data technology.
TonalityTech tool to optimize the tone in press releases:
We integrate our Dynamic Tonality Dictionaries into our TonalityTech add-in for Microsoft Word. The add-in visualizes how investors perceive language and suggests ways to optimize it. What’s more, the Add-In analyzes the readability of texts. Our clients appreciate the seamless integration of our tool into the writing process and the visualization of potential improvements for tonality and readability. The tool works as a valuable quality compliance check to assure consistency and quality in capital market communication.

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