Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of Virtua Research

Booth 505
Virtua is a financial services technology company.
We provide financial modeling and intelligence tools for corporate issuers. With our deep domain expertise in sophisticated financial modeling and platform-based software analytics we provide the following suite of IR research and communication tools. .
Consensus Estimate Analytics
Consensus Estimate Analytics is our online, customizable consensus estimate service.
Built upon our years of modeling experience we provide the industries most sophisticated and customizable online portal for internally managing and sharing consensus estimates.
Interactive Analyst Center (IAC)
Designed with the investor in mind, the Interactive Analyst Center is a financial database and charting center for IR websites.
A simple link from any hosted IR website, the IAC aggregates in a spreadsheet format up to three years of your company's reported financials and non-GAAP operating data while offering the most advanced interactive charting available.
The industry’s most complete online database of sell-side and industry conferences.
With over 10,000 events our StockConferenceCalendar provides the intelligence needed for planning an analyst day, arranging an NDR, or researching potential conferences you might want to attend.

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