Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of IEX

Booth 214

IEX is a fair, simple and transparent stock market.  IEX levels the playing field through technology that slows down and streamlines trades in order to eliminate the errors, inefficiencies and unfairness that plagues today’s high-speed, automated markets.  IEX launched on October 25th, 2013 and has risen to the 2nd largest Alternative Trading System (out of 40) and is now larger than 4 of the 12 national stock exchanges.  In September 2015, IEX filed to become a registered stock exchange.  IEX is the first stock trading venue seeded by a consortium of buy-side investors, including mutual funds, hedge funds, and family offices: traditional investors who are all dedicated to a fair and balanced market that works for all participants.  IEX was featured in the best-selling book, Flash Boys, written by Michael Lewis.

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