Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Photograph of theIRapp, Inc.

Booth 310

theIRapp® is a turn-key investor relations app that allows a publicly traded company to optimize  its IR content for iPhone, iPad and Android mobile devices. In only a few weeks, any company can have its own IR app and provide investors throughout the world with investor relations information including stock related data and company communications such as presentations, videos, webcasts, fact sheets and marketing collateral.  In addition, through a partnership with Nasdaq, companies using the IR web hosting services of Nasdaq can have their IR content seamlessly delivered into theIRapp.
theIRapp® is part of the APPrise Mobile family of communications products that also includes theEMPLOYEEapp® (a secure employee communications mobile portal), theCONFERENCEapp™ (for investor, analyst and other conference and event communications) and theCOMMSapp™ (for external communications).

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