Hyatt Regency Chicago

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin mattis vitae ipsum dapibus convallis. Suspendisse erat diam, suscipit non sem eu, volutpat venenatis lectus. Nulla facilisi. Quisque ultrices, ex eu egestas pretium, quam sem venenatis massa, eu scelerisque dui sem ac ligula. Pellentesque vulputate eleifend quam, ac sollicitudin libero posuere nec. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Curabitur vel nibh nec sapien rutrum sollicitudin.

Photograph of Meetyl

Meetyl is changing the way institutional
investors and companies engage with each other to schedule everything from
individual meetings to non-deal road shows. The Meetyl platform – a global,
web-based service that is private and secure – helps companies find and
directly connect with the right investors.  Based on a live community of
users who update their profiles and preferences, the Meetyl proprietary
algorithm provides users with the carefully screened list of best-fit meetings,
and then efficiently helps coordinate schedules, send invitations and track
success. Meetyl helps increase returns from investor relations programs and
avoid the conflicts and inefficiencies sometimes associated with traditional
intermediaries. Meetyl is headquartered in San Francisco with employees in the
U.S., UK, and Ireland, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Glass, Lewis &
Co. More information available at

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