NIRI Announces Individual Chapter Leadership Award Winners
SAN DIEGO – The National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI) today announced its annual Individual Chapter Leadership Award winners.
NIRI Chair Felise Kissell, Vice President, Investor Relations, HSN, Inc., said, “I am thrilled to have the privilege of honoring these outstanding NIRI chapter leaders. The spirit of volunteerism is pervasive in our organization; it is one of the unique and truly wonderful aspects of NIRI. Our chapters are successful because of the volunteer effort of these and other leaders. As a group, they possess high integrity, instill confidence and enthusiasm, act as educators and motivators, demonstrate mutual respect, exhibit leadership skills as shown in past NIRI service, and provide support through appreciation and encouragement.”
The 2015-2016 NIRI Individual Chapter Leadership Award winners and associated NIRI chapters are:
Jessica Thorsheim, Arizona; Rupal Turner, Capital Area; Carol Merry, Central Ohio; Dee Johnson, Chicago; Al Beaupre, Cincinnati Tri State; Kelly Dillon, Cleveland; Autumn Hugo, Houston; John Tolo, Kansas City; Lori Hillman, Los Angeles; Darin Arita, Corey Kinger and Debra Wasser, New York; Joseph Hassett, Philadelphia; Jennifer Almquist, Rocky Mountain; Robert Uhl, San Diego; Nicole Noutsios, San Francisco; Kevin Kessel, Silicon Valley; Al Aneja, South Florida; John Hastings, St. Louis; Karl Deonanan, Triangle; Bernadette McCormick, Twin Cities; Sheryl Joyce and Tripp Sullivan, Virtual.
Bob Burton received the NIRI National Volunteer of the Year Award. This award honors a NIRI member who best exemplifies the NIRI mission of “advancing the practice of investor relations and professional competency and stature NIRI members” at the national level. A longtime NIRI member, Mr. Burton has consistently contributed his time to the organization as an active volunteer at both the local level, serving in leadership positions for several chapters, and at the national level where he was a chair of the Professional Development Committee of the NIRI Board of Directors. Subsequent to his NIRI Board service, Mr. Burton has led the new Investor Relations Charter (IRC™) Certification Council, and has been critical to the successful launch of the IRC program. Mr. Burton exemplifies the best of the NIRI member volunteer spirit demonstrated by the many NIRI volunteers that contributed countless hours of their time since 2011 to creating the new IRC credential program.
The awards were presented at the NIRI Volunteer Appreciation Dinner in San Diego, site of the 2016 NIRI Annual Conference (, the world’s largest and most comprehensive investor relations education and networking event.
About the National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI)
Founded in 1969, NIRI is the professional association of corporate officers and investor relations consultants responsible for communication among corporate management, shareholders, securities analysts and other financial community constituents. NIRI is the largest professional investor relations association in the world with more than 3,300 members representing over 1,600 publicly held companies and $9 trillion in stock market capitalization.
Contact : Matt Brusch , 703-562-7679,