Thought Leadership Session: Targeting: Is Our Company’s Program Common Practice or Best Practice?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 | 1:30PM - 2:30PM | Room: Grand Hall D  |   Concurrent Session

 |  Sam Levenson | Brian Rivel | William Nelson | Gene Rubin | Brad Mills |

When you ask IROs what targeting means to them, you will get a wide range of answers. At the core, targeting is one of the most essential elements of an effective IR program and IR dedicates a lot of time and resources to it. In addition, IROs often have to educate their management teams on the buy-side’s deliberate and lengthy decision-making process. This reality lends itself to the question IROs often ask: is our targeting program common practice (the way we’ve always done it) or best practice (what the buy-side defines)? Explore how the targeting landscape is changing since investors only have so much bandwidth and are following over 120 companies on a given day.
  • Learning Objective 1: What are the most common ways in which public companies proactively reach out to targeted investors?

  • Learning Objective 2: How can you determine what metrics are most appropriate for your company?

  • Learning Objective 3: How can the application of both quantitative and qualitative practices help make your program more effective?