How Investors Integrate ESG Factors into the Investment Process

Tuesday, June 4, 2019 | 1:30PM - 2:30PM | Room: Grand Sonoran F  |   IR Strategy & Planning

 |  Elizabeth Saunders | Simon MacMahon | Brian Rice | Christopher McKnett |

ESG is no longer a nice to have, but a need to have as U.S. investors are now integrating material ESG factors into their traditional investment processes. Given this dynamic, institutional investors are looking for more information in a more digestible format that they can make meaningful decisions from. This panel will focus on the types of ESG information most important to institutional investors and ratings agencies, how to engage actively in the evaluation and rating process, as well as the critical factors to address to make sure you are leveraging the increasing fund flows of this evolving investment philosophy.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identify your company’s material ESG factors on an industry benchmarked basis
  • Understand how to engage with, and actively improve your company’s ESG rating
  • Learn best practices on communicating with investors the ESG practices of your company and how to address the difficult topics