How to ‘See Around Corners’ in Your IR Program and Lead with Influence

Monday, June 10, 2024 | 2:00PM - 2:50PM | Room: Salon 10-12  |   Education Session (Sponsored)

 |  Shivani Kak | Shirley Serrao Martin | Tiffany Willis | Kate Patterson | Mark Fasken |

In a landscape as dynamic as investor relations—where market uncertainties, stock volatility, and technological advancements are the norm—the ability to “see around corners” is a strategic advantage.
In a landscape as dynamic as investor relations—where market uncertainties, stock volatility, and technological advancements are the norm—the ability to “see around corners” is a strategic advantage.
As an IRO, mastering this skill involves a mix of intuition, experience, and a proactive mindset. It's not just about reacting to changes; it's about anticipating challenges and opportunities. Armed with the right tools, a strategic IRO uses insights and influence to strategically drive outcomes.
This session invites you to join our panel of experts for an interactive discussion on how IROs can sharpen their strategic insight, including:
  • Using market data to analyze trends, anticipate shifts, and interpret stock volatility for a competitive edge.
  • Real-world cases that demonstrate how proactivity can identify and mitigate risks before they knock on your door.
  • Modern technologies that efficiently collect and interpret data, enhancing your ability to see and capitalize on future opportunities.
  • Becoming the storyteller who translates complex data into compelling narratives, captivating the board's and investors' attention.
This session is sponsored by Irwin.