Beyond "Green Hushing:" Thinking Long-term About ESG Communications

Monday, June 10, 2024 | 9:30AM - 10:15AM | Room: Yerba Buena Ballroom - Salon 1-7  |   General Session

 |  Samantha D'Amore | Aaron Bertinetti | Justin Danhof | Christopher Benjamin | David C. Calusdian |

Where there was recently intense pressure to communicate ESG programs with a definitive strategy and measurable results, we are now in an environment of “green hushing,” where the three-letter “ESG” acronym comes across more as a four-letter word. Many issuers are still moving forward on “environmental”, “social” and “governance” actions, yet are limiting communications on progress, and shunning the actual “ESG” term. With this dramatic pendulum swing, IROs, sustainability officers and the C-suite have new decisions to make on how to proceed with their ESG programs and what and how to communicate their ESG journey.

In this session, we will hear from experts who continue to believe that progress across elements of ESG helps to drive long-term growth and reduce risk, a buy sider who sees ESG actions as irrelevant or even harmful to the creation of shareholder value, and corporate sustainability officers who have successfully managed through ESG communications as the field has evolved.