NIRI Archived Webinars: 2016

The webinars are organized by descending date.

Hide and Seek: The Incredible But True Story of How Big Institutions Buy and Sell Your Shares

December 1, 2016 -The bedrock of the IR profession is telling the story to the buy-side – investors who will appreciate the story, and buy, and park themselves for the long-term. We tell our story relentlessly and consistently through quarterly calls, non-deal roadshows, sellside conferences and more.

Supporting Documents
Themis Trading Blog​
Broken Markets

The Impact of Presidential Elections on Financial Markets and the Economy

November 3, 2016 - Prepare for the economic and financial market impact of the U.S. presidential election. This webinar draws content from Jason Schenker's #1 best-selling book, Electing Recession: The Impact of Presidential Elections on Financial Markets and the Economy. This analysis provides an objective look at recent U.S. presidential elections and presidencies, to glean from them some insights into what the outcome of the 2016 presidential election might hold for the economy and financial markets.

Non-GAAP Disclosure Part 2 - Lessons Learned

October 6, 2016 - NIRI's most popular webinar as we debrief on the recent quarter crackdown on the use of Non-GAAP measures in the earnings press release. What worked well? What needs to be refined? Gather your financial and legal team to hear directly from the SEC.


Activism in the Offseason

July 18, 2016 - Hosted by Clermont Partners  

Non-GAAP Disclosures:  Applying the New SEC Staff Guidance

July 14, 2016 - Are you in the midst of finalizing your earnings press release and have questions about the SEC’s guidance regarding non-GAAP financial measures? Our expert panel provides insight into the SEC’s intent, and how to apply the agency's Compliance and Disclosure Interpretations (CDIs).


The New IRC Credential - What Is It, and Why Get It

June 23, 2016 - You may have heard already about the new NIRI Investor Relations Charter (IRC™), but not know exactly what is it about, and why you should participate. Why did NIRI create this program, and how does it benefit not just IR professionals, but also the IR profession?


How Investors Use Big Data to Analyze Your Company 

May 12, 2016 - You’ve likely heard the term “Big Data” by now - sets of data so large or complex that they cannot be processed by traditional data analysis applications. What you may not know is that Big Data is a growing part of some investors’ strategic research process.


Investor Perspective: Focus on the Long-Term -- The 2016 Proxy Season and Beyond

March 22, 2016 - Two leading investors share how their organizations are assessing corporate governance issues when engaging with their portfolio companies.