NIRI has local chapters throughout the United States, as well as a Virtual Chapter.

NIRI Atlanta was founded in 1984 and its membership is comprised from Atlanta’s leading public corporations as well as consulting and vendor firms. The chapter enjoys diversity among our ranks, from Fortune 500 giants to small- to mid-cap companies. Monthly programs are offered to members at NIRI Atlanta’s regular membership meetings. An opportunity to learn from industry experts and network with peers makes NIRI Atlanta a dynamic organization.
Annual Dues – $250

NIRI Boston is dedicated to the professional advancement of its members. Accordingly, NIRI Boston is committed to these goals: Providing a supportive forum dedicated to educating members and encouraging idea exchange on the strategies, techniques and best practices of investor relations; Producing practical, cutting-edge programs and services that enhance the knowledge base and career opportunities of members; Encouraging networking among members through regular chapter meetings, and other special events; and educating senior management on the role of the Investor Relations Officer.
Annual Dues – $225

NIRI Capital Area covers District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia Metropolitan area. The chapter’s purpose is to promote the common interests of persons engaged in the profession of investor relations in accordance with NIRI’s objectives, code of ethics, and other standards established by NIRI shall be supported and adhered to NIRI Capital Area.
Annual Dues – $150

NIRI Central Ohio’s mission is to provide educational meetings and opportunities for its members, to enhance their career development and provide a forum to share ideas and help its member companies develop sound strategies to improve the practice of investor relations.
Annual Dues – $25

NIRI Charlotte was formed in 2001 and welcomes new members. Our objective is to provide members with professional development through organized programs and member contact.
Annual Dues – $100

NIRI Chicago works to advance the practice of investor relations and meet the growing professional development needs of those engaged in the field. The members of NIRI Chicago include corporate officers, consultants, service providers, academics and others involved in the practice of investor relations. NIRI Chicago membership entitles you to 10 months of programming which includes a mix of prepaid formal and informal meetings, convenient webcasts and discounted special events.
Annual Dues – $200

NIRI Cincinnati Tri State is dedicated to advancing the profession of investor relations through a variety of innovative programs and forums where investor relations practitioners can share their knowledge and experiences.
Annual Dues – $200

NIRI Cleveland/Northern Ohio was founded in the 1960s and joined NIRI in 1976. Our primary focus is to promote the common interest of individuals engaged in the profession of investor relations, to foster high standards of ethical conduct, and to support the objectives of NIRI.
Annual Dues – $250

One of our primary goals is to share experience among our members, especially those that are new to the field of Investor Relations. Chapter meetings are designed to inform and enlighten professionals of all experience levels, while always having some fun along the way.
Annual Dues – $80

NIRI Charlotte was formed in 2001 and welcomes new members. Our objective is to provide members with professional development through organized programs and member contact.
Annual Dues – $75

NIRI Florida is comprised of Investor Relations practitioners from public corporations, consulting firms and associated financial services companies headquartered or doing business in Florida. NIRI Florida sponsors a series of programs addressing the practices and issues facing today’s investor relations professional. These programs will be held in major cities across Florida so that all NIRI Florida members get an opportunity to attend programs essential to the Investor Relations professional.
Annual Dues- $75

IROs in Houston count on NIRI Houston’s luncheons and workshops to learn how to advance to the next level of investor relations excellence. Led by some of the most successful people in investor relations and related fields, these events provides members with the knowledge and contacts needed in today’s fast-paced business environment.
Annual Dues – $100

NIRI Kansas City provides a local forum to support the advancement of the investor relations profession through education and networking opportunities.
Annual Dues – $200

NIRI Los Angeles is dedicated to advancing the practice of investor relations and the professional competency of our members. We represent a wide range of publicly held corporations and investor relations agencies based in the vibrant and dynamic Los Angeles area.
Annual Dues – $175 (includes all meetings)

NIRI New York, the founding chapter of NIRI, is also its largest. The efforts of the Chapter are driven by these primary goals: to educate and enlighten members through innovative and value-added programs and activities, to provide our members with opportunities to network, thus promoting an ongoing exchange of ideas, to give our members continuing insight into IR trends and issues and to develop investor relations professionals who are driving IR as a true strategic management function.
Annual Dues – $250
The Northern California Chapter combines the membership of the NIRI San Francisco and NIRI Silicon Valley chapters into one convenient package. The NIRI Northern California Chapter is for IR professionals who want access to all the exclusive programs and opportunities that both chapters provide- continuing education, best practices, and networking with the top peers in the entire region. NIRI Northern California members save by bundling these two excellent chapters together in one discounted rate.
Annual Dues – $150

NIRI Orange County is an organization of investor relations practitioners, other corporate executives with investor relations responsibility and individuals who support the profession. Our mission is to provide a forum to improve our effectiveness as professionals through tailored programs highlighting best practices and future trends in IR, and offer opportunities for professional development within a welcoming and supportive community.
Annual Dues – $95

NIRI Philadelphia facilitates a networking environment for investor relations practitioners and other executives, to link our chapter members in a convenient resource-sharing forum, to offer an extensive onsite archived knowledge base, and to provide up-to-date information on the chapter’s ongoing meetings and seminars.
Annual Dues – $200

The goal of NIRI Rocky Mountain is to promote and advance the profession of IR by providing current and innovative programs that enrich professional development and facilitate networking within a casual environment
Annual Dues – $100

NIRI San Diego is dedicated to advancing the practice and stature of and stature of investor relations in the local business community. Our goal is to provide innovative and value-added programs and activities that foster professional development and promote the highest ethical standards. We are focused on supporting our members through educational and networking opportunities for IR practitioners, service providers, and professionals in finance, communications, marketing, and securities law.
Annual Dues – $75

NIRI San Francisco includes corporate practitioners, IR consultants and IR-related service providers, resulting in a dynamic mix of IR professionals dedicated to promoting the practice of investor relations within the business and financial communities. We provide creative and substantive programs to our members in order that they may continue to pursue “Best Practices” in the field of investor relations — and we aim to do this in a casual setting that is conducive to networking and professional development.
Annual Dues – $100

NIRI Seattle is dedicated to advancing the practice of investor relations and the professional competency and stature of its members. NIRI Seattle is a growing and vibrant chapter and its membership reflects the business diversity of the Puget Sound market.
Annual Dues – $75

NIRI Silicon Valley advances the practice of investor relations within the local business environment. In keeping with this mission, the Chapter focuses on IR education, mentoring, and networking with the broad professional community. Our goal is to further the skills of our members, to expand their business opportunities, and to foster an environment that promotes IR learning for all.
Annual Dues – $100

Effectively meets the needs of NIRI Twin Cities members while elevating visibility of the investor relations profession and the NIRI organization.
Annual Dues – $160

NIRI Virtual was founded to provide educational programming to NIRI members who are located in geographically distant locations across the United States that are not served by any of NIRI’s traditional brick-and-mortar chapters.
Annual Dues – $125
IRC credential holders can claim professional development units (PDUs) for attending NIRI chapter professional development events. IRC-credentialed volunteers and speakers may also earn PDUs.