Hyatt Regency Chicago

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Administrative and Cancellation Policies 

All event attendees must agree to abide by NIRI's Code of Conduct .

Cancellations/Refunds: All registrations are final and no refunds will be given. All registrants, including those who are unable to attend the program live, will have access to the recorded general sessions and on-demand education sessions until March 1, 2021.

NIRI membership is in the name of the individual, not the employer organization; member rates for events and other benefits apply only to the individual member, not all members of an organization. Registrations are nontransferable between events. Sharing access to the virtual event platform is strictly prohibited.

Substitution requests must be made in writing and will be accepted until December 1. Please note that additional registration fees may apply to a substitute in a different registration category.

Registrations will be reviewed to ensure compliance with qualifications related to the registration fee categories. Registrations may be cancelled with full refund should the registration not comply. In such cases, registrants will retain the opportunity to register at the correct fee level.

NIRI reserves the right to cancel any program. In the unlikely event of cancellation, registrants will be notified in writing and will receive a full refund of the registration fee in the same manner as original payment. NIRI will not be held responsible for any expenses incurred by the registrant.

Registration and attendance at NIRI meetings and other activities constitutes an agreement by the registrant to NIRI’s use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, video recordings and electronic reproductions of such events and activities by NIRI.

The views expressed in presentations made at the NIRI Virtual Conference or other NIRI events are those of the speaker and not, necessarily, of NIRI. Presentations at NIRI events, or the presence of service providers at NIRI events, does not constitute an endorsement of a service provider or speaker's views, products, or services.

NIRI is dedicated to ensuring the privacy of your data. As an event registrant, your name, title, and organization will be included in the event attendee list. This list is accessible by registered participants and event sponsors, but email addresses are not distributed. You can opt out of inclusion in this list by emailing or by updating your profile on the virtual platform.

NIRI does not sell lists or email addresses to third parties and does not condone harvesting of our attendee lists. We strongly encourage you to reject all offers you may receive to purchase such a list, as the information provided will not be provided by NIRI and may be inaccurate.

All contents ©2020 National Investor Relations Institute. All rights reserved. Virtual Conference content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written agreement of NIRI.

Respect Our Community
The NIRI Virtual Conference is focused on thought leadership and education. Unsolicited service and product promotion (outside of the Virtual IR Showcase) is not appropriate. Only exhibiting and sponsoring companies may engage attendees directly via the messaging features of the virtual conference platform. Please respect our community, and notify NIRI of violations.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Professional Development team at or +1 703-562-7700.