24-Hour News Cycle – Winning in the Race to Break News

Monday, June 6, 2016 | 2:00PM - 3:00PM | Room: Grand Hall A  |   Marketing Outreach & Stakeholder Communications

 |  Tom Mallory | Russ Britt | Jason Kelly | Tim Human |

Advancements in technology have drastically changed the way people consume media, and how news is reported. For most news organizations, it is a race to be the first to break a story. Due to time constraints, some journalists publish news on social media without thoroughly fact checking and correct the story later if there are any inaccuracies. Unlike print news, web-based media has significantly more longevity and readership. Today, journalists are rated on metrics such as page views, likes, shares, and comments. News organizations have developed analytics to assist in growing their audience and increasing engagement. Negative news (i.e. investigative reporting) that uncovers wrongdoing and Buzzfeed-style reporting often attracts more readers. Less provocative news, such as earnings reports, is slowly being relegated to robo-publishing mechanisms. Understanding what drives today’s media and how to interact with financial news outlets is an essential skill for today’s IRO. This session will help you better manage your media strategy in an environment that is rapidly evolving due to new technologies.  
  • Learning Objective 1: How IROs should interact with today’s financial media

  • Learning Objective 2: Tips for drafting news releases to ensure the important messages are reported

  • Learning Objective 3: Procedures for correcting inaccurate information published by online news outlets