Top Gun IR: Taking Your Career to the Next Level

Tuesday, June 7, 2016 | 3:00PM - 4:00PM | Room: Grand Hall D  |   Professional Development

 |  Carroll Leatherman | Elizabeth Simpson | John Chevalier | Alexis Gorman |

It’s a dogfight out there for IR jobs, so how can you best position yourself to advance your career? Are recruiters looking for a Maverick, an Iceman, or neither? Top executive search firms specializing in senior level placements will discuss the mix of skills and experience companies seek in their IROs. Learn about the importance of corporate culture in filling IR roles, identify best fit, and how companies communicate that externally. Explore the skill set currently most valued for IR positions and how this can be acquired. Delve into the recent trends favoring the soft and hard skills of the sell-side and whether they are paramount to career advancement. Consider whether further education or certification is a valuable option.
  • Learning Objective 1: Explore the skill set currently most valued for IR positions and how this can be acquired

  • Learning Objective 2: Learn the recent trends regarding specific skill-sets and profiles and whether they are paramount to career advancement

  • Learning Objective 3: Consider whether further education or certification are valuable options