About NIRI Committees

Committees play an essential role in NIRI's operations. Members are encouraged to join a committee to contribute to NIRI's most important initiatives, from building educational resources to engaging on advocacy issues affecting the entire investor relations profession. By volunteering for NIRI, you have the opportunity to gain as much as you will give to your association and your peers.

Applying for a Committee

The Call for Volunters is currently closed. 

Current NIRI Committees


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors sets direction for the association, serves as a policy-making body for issues affecting the association and the conduct of investor relations, provides strategic planning for the long-term interests of the Institute and oversees the operation of the Institute's staff. Four directors shall be elected each year. Each member director shall hold office for a four-year term. 

Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee oversees NIRI's advocacy agenda, advises on strategy formation, helps to evaluate proposals and suggest responses, engages in regulator and legislative advocacy efforts, and encourages members to participate in advocacy activities. 

Annual Conference Committee 

The Annual Conference Committee (ACC) plays a vital role in developing the educational offerings of the NIRI Annual Conference. The ACC advises on the selection and development of educational content and works to advance the practice of investor relations through NIRI's signature event. 

Certification Council

The Certification Council shall maintain the Investor Relations Charter (IRC)®, govern all certification program activities and oversee all certification committees and workgroups operating under established policies and procedures.

Editorial Advisory Committee

The Editorial Advisory Committee (EAC) helps make NIRI's flagship and award-winning publication, IR Update magazine, a compelling and relevant member benefit. The EAC contributes ideas and content  in support of magazine objectives and plans. 

Education Committee

The Education Committee has been established to advise on the educational content and provide general input for NIRI's programming. The committee is composed of a diverse group of IR corporate practitioners, counselors, and service providers. 

ESG & Diversity Practices Committee 

The ESG & Diversity Practices Committee was established to recommend updates and revisions to NIRI's ESG Policy Statement as well as continue to advance diversity and inclusion within the Institute and foster a welcoming environment within the IR profession.  

Ethics Council

The Ethics Council serves as a sounding board and mentor to members regarding ethical matters that may arise during their practice - both for investor relations professionals and those providing products and services to the investor relations committee. 

Examination Development Committee

The Examination Development Committee is made up of diverse group of volunteers and subject matter experts with extensive knowledge and experience in investor relations. This committee is responsible for maintaining the IRC examinations and IRC item bank.

Fellows Selection Committee

The NIRI Fellows Program recognizes distinguished NIRI members who epitomize the leadership, integrity, involvement, IR knowledge, and contributions of professionals engaged in, advancing, or supporting the investor relations profession. The Selection Committee members are appointed by the Fellows Selection Committee chair. 

Service Provider Council

The Service Provider Council (SPC) advises on issues of interest to service providers and on issues facing the investor relations community. Members of the SPC are appointed to specified terms by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Board Chair. 

SRT Steering Committee

The SRT Steering Committee is charged with creating compelling and engaging SRT member experiences that foster satisfaction and retention, and ultimately lead to SRT membership growth. 

*Body of Knowledge Working Group

The NIRI Body of Knowledge Working Group is tasked with revising the IR Body of Knowledge. This group is comprised of experts in the field, with at least 10 years’ experience in investor relations or related profession.

* = Project-based committees and task forces are created on an as-needed basis.