With 25 chapters, NIRI members have access to peers who face the same issues and challenges and are willing to share their knowledge and support. Your chapter enables you to build relationships with the IR practitioners and service providers in your area. Chapters also provide easily-accessible, low-cost professional development and networking activities.
"I get a lot out of my chapter membership. It's an opportunity for me to network with other peers and other industries, learn their best practices, and share the best practices that we have at Starbucks so they can take it back to their company. The great thing about being a member of the virtual chapter is the ability to network with individuals across the country."
Tiffany Willis, CPA, IRC
Senior Vice President, Investor Relations
Starbucks Corporation
IRC® credential holders can earn professional development units (PDUs) for attending NIRI chapter professional development events. IRC-credentialed volunteers and speakers may also earn PDUs. More information is available at www.niri.org/certification.
NIRI has local chapters throughout the United States, as well as a Virtual Chapter for U.S. members in remote locations and members headquartered outside the U.S.
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