Submit a Speaker Nomination

Speaker nominations will be accepted on a rolling basis through March 2025.




Contribute your ideas and thought leadership to the 2025 NIRI Annual Conference

2025 NIRI Annual Conference: June 1-3, 2025, Boston, MA

The NIRI Annual Conference is the world’s largest gathering of investor relations professionals. The conference includes dozens of presentations on the most relevant topics in the industry and an exhibit hall showcasing the latest tools and resources to support IR practices. The NIRI Annual Conference is the “must attend” event for both experienced and early-career professionals.
NIRI seeks to continuously improve and produce the best possible Annual Conference experience by welcoming innovation and fresh thinking.

Call for Speakers

NIRI is seeking knowledgeable, credible, and diverse subject matter experts to present sessions and participate in panel discussions at the NIRI 2025 Annual Conference.
This year, we invite you to indicate your interest as a speaker for the Annual Conference. Using the form below, please indicate up to four topics or areas of expertise about which you would be qualified to present, as well as supporting resources such as videos of other presentations you have given, articles or publications you have authored, etc.
The selection of speakers is a competitive process, so closely reviewing the instructions and filling out the form in complete detail will strengthen your chances of selection.
Submitters will be contacted only if they are invited to participate in a session. Speaker invitations will be made on a rolling basis through March 2025. If selected to participate in the conference, speakers must agree to the terms and conditions below.

Submit a Speaker Nomination

Call for Session Ideas

NIRI’s objective is to provide a balanced program that meets the needs and variety of interests and experience levels of conference attendees. Our core educational offerings are based on the Investor Relations Competency Framework and rooted in the IR Body of Knowledge, which describes the competencies and knowledge essential to performing the investor relations function.
This year, we are asking you: What would you like to learn at the NIRI 2025 Annual Conference?
We invite you to submit a session idea to be considered for the program. Your ideas will be anonymously reviewed by members of the 2025 Annual Conference Committee and used to inform and shape the development of innovative and timely conference sessions.

Anyone may submit a session idea, and submitters will have no obligation (or opportunity) to participate in the session’s development if it is used in the conference program. This is an open forum to crowdsource ideas from the community the conference serves. Sessions will be fully developed and overseen by NIRI’s member-based 2025 Annual Conference Committee. 

Submit a SEssion idea 


Terms and Conditions

The submitter acknowledges and agrees to the following terms and conditions when submitting a speaker proposal:

  • Submitting a nomination does not guarantee any person a speaking engagement at the NIRI Annual Conference or other NIRI event. Speakers are accepted at the discretion of the National Investor Relations Institute and its member-based Annual Conference Committee. Diversity is valued in speaking, thought leadership, and other roles within NIRI.

  • Speakers agree to demonstrate thought leadership without promotion of products or services.

  • Speakers are responsible for all related expenses, including travel and accommodation.

  • Speakers who are IR professionals or service providers or in an IR-related role will not receive a complimentary registration to the conference. They must register and pay to attend.

  • Any speaker (s) identified in the submission have or will obtain rights to use intellectual property, thoughts, concepts, or reproductions provided with the submission and ultimately presented in any final form. See the sample Speaker Agreement for full details.

Please contact NIRI's Professional Development team at with any questions.